Lakes of Mount Dora, Mount Dora SOLD $469,000 |

Lake Dora in Tavares SOLD $755,000 |

Lakes Gertrude, Mount Dora SOLD $900,000 |

Lake Ola, Mount Dora LISTED/SOLD $864,988 |

Lake Yale Road, Umatilla LISTED/SOLD $534,000 |

Lake Ola, Mount Dora LISTED/SOLD $365,000 |

Canal to Lake Eustis, Leesburg LISTED/SOLD $291,000 |

1 Acre Lot Lake Carlton, Mount Dora LISTED/SOLD $420,000 |

Lake Joanna, Eustis SOLD $685,000 |

Condo on Canal to Lake Eustis LISTED/SOLD $184,000 |
Our detailed approach provides
critical knowledge about your local market, while
maintaining a high level of security and safety during the
process and leveraging technology and strategies to provide
maximum exposure and assistance to our clients throughout
the process.
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Loch Leven, Mount Dora LISTED/SOLD $760,000 |

Canal to Lake Harris, Tavares LISTED/SOLD $259,000 |

Lake Dora Tavares SOLD $720,239 |

Lake Carlton, Mount Dora LISTED/SOLD $1,170,000 |

Canal to Lake Eustis, Eustis SOLD $330,000 |

Haines Creek Lake Eustis, Leesburg LISTED/SOLD $625,000 |

Lake Carlton, Mount Dora LISTED/SOLD $2,400,000 |

1 Acre Lot, Lake Harris, Tavares LISTED/SOLD $360,000 |